The demand for chemical and biological analysis of animal feed is constantly increasing. The different properties, in fact, are determining factors in identifying the quality of the nutritive ingredients of the feed. This is why chemical analyses are also playing a leading role in this process.

Chemical analysis of protein components
Animal nutritionists have recently started using NFD, i.e., fiber to neutral detergent, ADF, fiber to acid detergent and ADL, lignin to acid detergent, especially in rations for ruminants. Chemical analysis of detergent feed dates back to the 1960s and is currently one of the main evaluation sets for the evaluation of feed.

Automation in fibre analysis
Automation in chemical analysis processes reduces human error as well as speeding up all operations, which is why it is always important to rely on laboratories that are able to guarantee these methods of analysis.

For example, the automated crucible saves a lot of time. The operator can load a set of six samples for chemical analysis. Once he has started the process, he does not have to stay in front of the crucible until the whole process is complete. In addition, the machine can also run at night.

Precision and safety are the guarantee of an excellent result
In the analysis of the protein component, but this also applies to all other types of analysis, therefore, the result is strongly influenced by the analysis methodologies themselves, but not only, also by the way these methodologies are applied.

The choice on an automated analysis process is fundamental for all those companies that require an efficient and fast analysis service, in order to be as competitive as possible on a market that is more and more competitive every day.

Bict is able to offer your company research services for the development of industrial products and processes, chemical analysis and production of hydrolysates.