Microbiology studies the structure and functions of microorganisms, whether they are unicellular, multicellular or acellular, such as viruses, bacteria, certain types of fungi, yeasts, protozoa or algae.

A microbiology laboratory can offer numerous and diversified solutions in the most varied activities in the development and testing of innovative products

Microbiology laboratory: industrial services

Bict’s services can help you develop industrial bioprocesses at competitive and sustainable costs, thanks to the use of their own robotic units. Among the many services you can choose from, the heterologous expression in E. Coli is the cheapest and most used resource to obtain quality heterologous proteins.

The added value of collaborating with BiCT lies in the possibility of having research of an industrial nature, therefore it can also offer an improvement in the strain and the optimisation of the purification and fermentation conditions in order to reach more productive targets based on your needs.

Production in bacteria and fungi, the potential of natural and recombinant strains

The constant research and optimization of processes in Bict, allows us to offer you competitive services as well as heterologous expression in yeast and mushrooms. As well as the development of natural and recombinant strains and their fermentation, the purification of biomolecules, through the use of the best cutting-edge technologies, the immobilization of enzymes, adopting the most suitable carriers and strategies for the application that you will require.

The Bict analysis team will offer you its extensive expertise for feasibility studies of different projects, in order to have, right from the start, a clear idea of costs, commitment and potential for optimization. Your project will be followed by a senior project manager who will field his experience checking all the phases of feasibility and execution.

Competitive thanks to automation

You’ll get very low costs compared to the standards, thanks to the different screening protocols based on automation on which the Bict laboratory bases its research and development services, while maintaining the certainty of reliable and transferable results.